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Sold 2x Enomatic Wine Dispensers - North Berwick, Scotland


2x Enomatic Enoline Smart 4 Wine Dispensing units were purchased brand new from Enomatic in 2013 with the intention of having regular in-store tastings. They are clearly fantastic pieces of equipment and incredibly easy to use with their temperature controls, simple bottle installation and fantastic wine preservation system allowing for the wines to taste fresh for up to 21 days. They have been a joy to have in our shop however after a good start we failed to really get behind them resulting in them lying dormant for the majority of the time we’ve had them.

Sadly perhaps we were a bit too ambitious for these to be a huge success in our small town. This therefore means that there are two top quality wine preservation dispening machines in pristine condition and ready to simply plug-in and get going. It comes complete with the WineGEN Nitrogen generator to power both machines so therefore there is nothing else required to get you started.

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Price: Sold
Brand: Enomatic (23)
Model: Enoline (5)