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Sold 2x Enomatic Wine Preserver, White Wine And Red Wine - Halifax, West Yorkshire


We have 2 Enomatic wine machines one is temperature controlled (6 to 18 °C) we use for for white wines and an ambient temperature machine we use for red wines. In total you can keep and serve 16 bottles of wine.

There are 3 volumes to use as a tasting unit/wine preserver with prepayment wine card and display.
It comes with Argon Gas Cylinder x 1, Enosoft Card Generator Software & License. Enomatic can offer support.

Brand new cost for 1 machine is £10,710.00.

Approx 2 years old, maintained well, clean and easy to use. Visit us to see them in action.

The price is for both machines.

Delivery notes

Location of machines is Halifax, West Yorkshire.
Delivery can be arranged, please contact us to discuss.
The price is for both machines

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Enomatic (23)