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Stock Liquidation - Shropshire

Based in Shropshire
Please visit our website to view our vast stocks of used Pub and Restaurant Furniture.
We are located in Bridgnorth Shropshire and have a reliable courier who can deliver throughout Britain.
For any enquiries please call us on 0845 838 1441 (which will only cost local call charge not premium rate) or Email:

£90 +VAT

| Quantity: 9

£40 +VAT

| Quantity: 8

£130 +VAT

| Quantity: 13

£100 +VAT

| Quantity: 14

£250 £130 +VAT

| Quantity: 23

£90 +VAT each

| Quantity: 6

£50 +VAT each

| Quantity: 7

£240 +VAT

| Quantity: 4

£70 +VAT

| Quantity: 2

£190 £150 +VAT

| Quantity: 19

£150 +VAT

| Quantity: 4

£100 £85 +VAT

| Quantity: 11

£15 +VAT each

| Quantity: 5
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